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          Unlimited Software development

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          Hire Software developers

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          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Full time tracking cycle
          • Developers Check-in & check-out
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          • Auto Interview Process
          • Dashbord Support 24/7
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          Kretsia Custom relationship management Coming Soon

          Talent acquisition and HR management tool

          • Auto CV screening
          • Unlimited job posting
          • Complete Time reporting cycle
          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Time Check-in & check-out
          • Document sharing
          • Auto Pay slips
          • Rolls and permission
          • Auto notifications
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          • Option to Apply Leave
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          • User Dashboard
          • Custom Configration
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          • Custom email templates
          • Complete Custom website
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          • Secured account with OTP (one time password)
          • System support Chatbot, email, Ticket system
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          Rexett Advanced AI powerd chatBot Coming Soon

          • AI Chatbot
          • Complete support system
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          • Agent Management
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          Unlimited Software Development

          • Single payment, unlimited projects
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          Hire Software Developers

          • User Dashboard
          • Manage Software Developers
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          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Full Time Tracking Cycle
          • Developers Check-in & Check-out
          • Auto Pay Slips
          • Auto Invoice
          • Auto Interview Process
          • Dashboard Support 24/7
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          Talent acquisition and HR management tool

          • Auto CV Screening
          • Unlimited Job Posting
          • Complete Time Reporting Cycle
          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Time Check-in & Check-out
          • Document Sharing
          • Auto Pay Slips
          • Roles and Permissions
          • Auto Notifications
          • Add Project
          • Auto Invoice
          • Option to Apply Leave
          • Auto Interview Process
          • User Dashboard
          • Custom Configuration
          • Third-Party Integration
          • Custom Email Templates
          • Complete Custom Website
          • To-do List
          • Messaging
          • Feedback
          • Secured Account with OTP (One-Time Password)
          • System Support: Chatbot, Email, Ticket System
          • Project Progress
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          • AI Chatbot
          • Complete Support System
          • Inbox Management
          • Help Desk
          • Live Chat
          • Ticket System
          • Phone Integration
          • Agent Management
          • FAQ Support
          • Chat Review
          • Form Assistance
          • File Sharing
          • Customization Options
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Web Development Services

We design and build industry-leading web-based products that bring value to your customers, delivered with compelling UX.

What are web development services?​

Web development encompasses a wide range of services, which include delivering websites or web apps, cybersecurity solutions, UX/UI design, eCommerce solutions, website architectures, QA testing, maintenance, consulting, and even a custom CMS.


A well-designed website is a powerful marketing and communication tool that helps build trust and generate leads.


With eCommerce solutions, businesses can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach customers in any time zone.

Web Applications

Web applications can reach a global audience. They're interactive and engaging, so can easily hold users' attention.

Content Management System

A dedicated CMS designed to the specific needs of your business will save time and money by optimizing internal workflows.

Become a digital stand-out with a best-in-class web development

The role of a web development company is to seek and build solutions that can best fulfill the client’s unique business goals. With the right web development services, you’ll be able to build a successful product from scratch or increase the performance of an existing one.

Which technologies will bring maximum value to your business?​

Solve customer problems by choosing cutting-edge technologies for your tech stack. Take your business to the next level with the right solutions tailored to your own requirements.

Frontend Development

We use the most popular frontend frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, and Angular that enable us to create the surface layer of your product.

Backend Development

We use server-side technologies like Python, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js for prototyping and development, producing fast and scalable web apps.

Full Stack Development

We deliver end-to-end web development, combining frontend and backend solutions and other technologies necessary to make your product a success.

Low-Code Development

We also specialize in building no-code and low-code web solutions that allow clients to save time and money. We use platforms like Webflow or Mendix.

Cloud Development

Furthermore, we use cloud services like Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure for fast and secure application deployment.

Our Team of Skilled Specialists​

Product Designers
0 +
Frontend Developers
0 +
Backend Developers
0 +
Quality Assurance Specialists
0 +

Take advantage of our proven web
development process and make your project a success

We recognize that the most complex projects demand that our web development team pay attention to every detail in the process of creating web-based solutions. At Rexett, we’ve delivered over 1000 projects, so we know what it takes to execute a seamless and optimized web-based software development process.


Consult your idea

Setting the direction with our web development consultants


Choose a technology

Deciding about the tech stack and the overall approach



Crafting a beautiful and user-friendly web solution with our design specialists



Coding the web app courtesy of our experienced engineers


Reach the market

Launching your product and keeping it in good form with support and maintenance

Showcasing UBS’s Banking Apps without Compromising Data Security

Frontend Development & UI Design Services.

Technologies: React, Gatsby, Redux, Storybook.

Client Expectations: To create demo versions of UBS’s apps for personal banking, wealth management, and business banking.
Result of the partnership: Rexett developed web-based frontends mirroring UBS apps, which showcased their essential functions without revealing any sensitive data. This made it easier for potential clients to become familiar with the original apps, and also made the process of educating client advisors quick and flawless.

Working with ADN in rebuilding the largest French-language animation streaming platform

Full Stack Development Services.

Technologies: React, Node.js

Client Expectations: To rebuild the platform (with a focus on stability, scalability, and innovation), decrease downtime during peak traffic, achieve zero downtime during new releases, and create a separate testing environment.
Result of the partnership: Our web development team migrated the platform from a Joomla/PHP framework to Node.js and rewrote the frontend of the app in React.js. We also introduced cloud infrastructure, added microservices, and optimized the database.

Start your digital journey with Rexett

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Fill in
your information and get started with our expert services
today. Let us help you achieve your goals with tailored
solutions and unparalleled support.

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    Read our all Articles

    Frequently asked questions​

    The most common queries about the web development process

    1. Prepare a project description

    Define your idea, either by supplying the documentation for an existing project or putting together a brief for a new idea.

    2. Decide on a tech stack

    Do you need both front-end and back-end services? What web technologies have you chosen to build your app with? Web development companies have experiences with multiple languages and frameworks, so they can help you with this. Nevertheless, it’s important to consider before starting a partnership.

    3. Define your budget

    The budget of your project will affect the team your web development company can put together, the project timeline and technologies used, among other things. Try to have a clear idea of how much you are allocating for your project. This will enable the development of a consistent project management strategy and avoid issues further on in the process.

    That depends on the type and complexity of your project. Weeks 1-2 involve planning and organization. This is followed by the graphic design phase, which can take another two weeks.

    Then there’s coding, development, testing, launch, and promotion/maintenance, so the process can be broken down into cycles, enabling you to keep track of the progress of your web application and manage the project timeline in more detail.

    We combine market research and prototyping to validate your concept, ensuring demonstrable business value and increasing overall speed-to-market.

    The research process can take around 6 weeks and will help you develop a product with a competitive edge. We provide discovery workshops, feasibility studies and concept proofing to get everything in shape before the development begins.

    The content you include on your web page plays a big part in search engine optimization. However, there are also technical aspects to consider, like the title attribute, alt attribute for images, subpages naming, domain and others.

    A web application development company can assist with this by making your page speed faster, assigning proper title and meta tags and implementing a secure SSL certificate. Other ways to improve search ranking are using server-side rendering for single page apps and making use of Google Search Console.

    Don’t know where to start? Drop us a line and we can offer more guidance on SEO best practices.

    Detailed cooperation process

    Whether you want to build or rebuild a web-based product, we’re here to help you. We’ll walk you through choosing the most optimal technologies to be able to deliver a web-based solution that meets your requirements. When starting a project from scratch, these are the stages you can expect:

    • UI designers are responsible for creating beautiful user interfaces.

    • UX designers make sure that all the visual and interactive aspects of an app are easy to understand, practical, and efficient at retaining users’ attention.

    • Frontend developers deliver responsive, flexible, fast, secure, and user-friendly apps in cooperation with the design and backend teams.

    • Backend developers work on making apps fast and scalable. They also help optimize infrastructure costs.

    • DevOps engineers help in developing the app and managing the IT infrastructure.

    • QA specialists ensure that an app’s code is of the highest quality and that its users enjoy a top-tier user experience.

    • The project manager ensures that the project progresses smoothly, completing tasks on time and aligning the product with business objectives.

    Web development team

    Team composition depends on the project’s needs. Every team member is carefully selected, ensuring they provide meaningful value in building your product. We have the expertise to deliver all aspects of web development.

    • UI designers are responsible for creating beautiful user interfaces.

    • UX designers make sure that all the visual and interactive aspects of an app are easy to understand, practical, and efficient at retaining users’ attention.

    • Frontend developers deliver responsive, flexible, fast, secure, and user-friendly apps in cooperation with the design and backend teams.

    • Backend developers work on making apps fast and scalable. They also help optimize infrastructure costs.

    • DevOps engineers help in developing the app and managing the IT infrastructure.

    • QA specialists ensure that an app’s code is of the highest quality and that its users enjoy a top-tier user experience.

    • The project manager ensures that the project progresses smoothly, completing tasks on time and aligning the product with business objectives.