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          Kretsia Custom relationship management Coming Soon

          Talent acquisition and HR management tool

          • Auto CV screening
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          • Auto Talent Suggestion
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          Rexett Advanced AI powerd chatBot Coming Soon

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          Unlimited Software Development

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          Hire Software Developers

          • User Dashboard
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          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Full Time Tracking Cycle
          • Developers Check-in & Check-out
          • Auto Pay Slips
          • Auto Invoice
          • Auto Interview Process
          • Dashboard Support 24/7
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          Talent acquisition and HR management tool

          • Auto CV Screening
          • Unlimited Job Posting
          • Complete Time Reporting Cycle
          • Auto Talent Suggestion
          • Time Check-in & Check-out
          • Document Sharing
          • Auto Pay Slips
          • Roles and Permissions
          • Auto Notifications
          • Add Project
          • Auto Invoice
          • Option to Apply Leave
          • Auto Interview Process
          • User Dashboard
          • Custom Configuration
          • Third-Party Integration
          • Custom Email Templates
          • Complete Custom Website
          • To-do List
          • Messaging
          • Feedback
          • Secured Account with OTP (One-Time Password)
          • System Support: Chatbot, Email, Ticket System
          • Project Progress
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          • AI Chatbot
          • Complete Support System
          • Inbox Management
          • Help Desk
          • Live Chat
          • Ticket System
          • Phone Integration
          • Agent Management
          • FAQ Support
          • Chat Review
          • Form Assistance
          • File Sharing
          • Customization Options
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Advantages and Obstacles of Employing a Remote IT Team

The procurement of IT professionals not only stands pivotal for the prosperity of any business but is also characterized by its high demand, rendering the quest for the right talent a paramount concern as well as a formidable task. For enterprises hesitant about remote work or harboring apprehensions, it’s evident that initiating with IT teams can be beneficial. Here’s why:

  • Access to a broader pool of skilled professionals:

    When companies broaden their recruitment horizons internationally, they unlock access to a larger and more diverse talent reservoir. IT teams are particularly challenging to assemble due to their specialized skill sets and consistent turnover. By adopting a global perspective, companies can facilitate easier access to talent possessing specialized expertise, consequently expediting digital transformation endeavors.

    According to Åsa Zetterberg, the Confederation Director of TechSweden, citing research findings, there will be a shortage of 70,000 IT personnel in Sweden alone in 2024.To counteract this, companies must seek skilled professionals beyond their local confines and national borders.

  • Diverse talent fosters innovation:

    By venturing beyond national borders for talent, organizations not only find better-suited matches but also tap into diverse perspectives and viewpoints. This proves to be a significant advantage for global enterprises. A study by the Boston Consulting Group revealed that businesses with above-average diversity witness 9% higher profit margins and 19% more revenue from innovation compared to those with below-average diversity.

    By embracing various perspectives, companies can leverage a wealth of experience to devise solutions for unique challenges, ultimately staying ahead of the competition.

  • Enhanced productivity and retention:

    Remote workers inherently enjoy greater flexibility. Companies can either view this with trepidation or embrace it, allowing employees to work when they’re most productive, thereby boosting efficiency and work quality.

    Granting employees autonomy and empowering them to excel in their tasks, without micromanagement, leads to heightened efficiency. According to researchers at Harvard Business Review, empowered employees exhibit greater engagement, commitment, and performance. Consequently, productivity surges while retention rates improve. Reduced stress levels among employees translate to heightened job satisfaction and lower attrition rates, which prove invaluable for IT teams.

  • Challenges of hiring remote IT teams:

    Overcoming the obstacles associated with recruiting, vetting, hiring, and managing remote tech teams can appear daunting. Additionally, concerns regarding security may arise once the team is assembled. However, there exist tools and solutions to address these challenges.

  • Recruiting remote talent:

    Effectively tapping into this vast talent pool requires leveraging trusted talent marketplaces. Platforms like Rexett Talent Pool streamline the entire hiring process, from sourcing and qualifying candidates to managing and compensating global technical talent. This not only expedites hiring (in as little as 48 hours) but also reduces costs by 30%-50%.

  • Establishing an effective remote setup:

    The cornerstone of a successful remote tech team lies in establishing an effective remote setup. Having foundational elements in place, such as administrative processes, cultural norms, and workflows, facilitates the recruitment of remote technologists and accelerates progress. Additionally, leveraging the experience of technologists accustomed to remote work can influence the creation of a functional and successful remote work environment.

  • Managing contractual obligations remotely:

    Navigating complex international contracts to pay remote IT teams should not burden businesses. Comprehensive talent cloud solutions should offer integrated platforms that not only facilitate recruitment but also aid in contract management. For instance, Rexett Talent Pool manages global payouts, currency exchange, and compliance across different geographies, thereby reducing costs and mitigating security risks.

  • Facilitating collaboration across teams:

    Ensuring clear delineation of responsibilities and establishing functional workflows pose challenges for any team. Platforms like Jira, Trello, and Asana streamline project management for remote tech teams. Proper setup and utilization of such platforms promote automated workflows, task transparency, and adherence to deadlines, thus enhancing team efficiency.


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